Sep 6, 2024, 12:00 AM
Sep 6, 2024, 12:00 AM

Typhoon disrupts Hong Kong with three-day weekend

  • Asian equities showed mixed performance, with Thailand outperforming while Taiwan, Korea, and Japan faced declines due to semiconductor weaknesses.
  • Super Typhoon Tyga caused the closure of Hong Kong trading, resulting in a three-day weekend for residents and delaying significant announcements for Alibaba.
  • The new Exchange rules will eliminate typhoon-related trading suspensions, indicating a shift in how market disruptions are managed in the future.

Asian equities experienced mixed performance recently, with Thailand showing strength while other markets like Taiwan, Korea, and Japan struggled due to semiconductor sector weaknesses. Notably, Super Typhoon Tyga led to the closure of Hong Kong's trading, granting residents a three-day weekend. This closure prevented the announcement of Alibaba's inclusion in the Southbound Stock Connect, a significant event for investors. The new Exchange rules set to take effect on September 23rd will eliminate such typhoon-related trading suspensions in the future. Despite the typhoon's impact, Alibaba's stock buyback program was notable, accounting for a significant portion of trading on the NYSE. This buyback historically correlates with rallies in Hong Kong and Mainland China markets, although recent trends did not reflect this. Concerns over potential US tariffs have led to discussions among strategists about downgrading their outlook on Chinese stocks, raising questions about the broader implications for US retailers and manufacturers reliant on Chinese imports. In the wake of these developments, the Shanghai, Shenzhen, and STAR Board indices saw declines, with financials and communication services being the only sectors to gain. The Northbound Stock Connect was closed during this period, and commodity prices reflected mixed trends, with copper prices rising while steel prices fell. The overall market sentiment remains cautious as investors navigate the complexities of international trade relations and their potential impact on stock performance. Looking ahead, the upcoming webinar on corporate sustainability and cash management highlights the ongoing interest in financial strategies amidst market volatility. Investors are encouraged to stay informed about market dynamics and potential shifts in policy that could affect their portfolios.


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