Sep 19, 2024, 12:00 AM
Sep 19, 2024, 12:00 AM

Trump and Harris in Tight 2024 Race: Latest Polls Show Close Contest

  • Recent polls show a competitive race between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, with some surveys indicating Harris has a slight lead.
  • Harris's debate performance has garnered positive reviews, contributing to her polling advantage.
  • The upcoming election is expected to be closely contested, with both candidates having strong support among voters.

The presidential race between Kamala Harris and Donald Trump is extremely competitive, with recent polls indicating a near tie just weeks before the election. A New York Times/Siena poll shows both candidates at 47%, while other surveys reveal Harris leading by small margins, such as 49%-45% in a YouGov/Economist poll and 50%-48% in a Fox News survey. Harris's debate performance has been positively received, with 67% of voters rating her well compared to 40% for Trump. Despite Harris's slight leads in several polls, the overall race remains tight, reflecting a fluctuating voter sentiment. In a Forbes/HarrisX survey, Harris led Trump by three points, while a Monmouth University poll indicated 49% of voters favoring Harris compared to 44% for Trump. The Morning Consult poll also showed Harris with a 51%-45% lead, marking her widest margin yet. The dynamics of the race have shifted since the debates, with Harris gaining momentum after being perceived as the stronger performer. Polls taken immediately after the debate show a consistent trend of Harris leading or tied with Trump, suggesting that her performance may have positively influenced voter opinions. As the election approaches, the Democratic Party has rallied around Harris, with President Biden endorsing her candidacy. This support, combined with her recent polling advantages, positions her as a formidable contender against Trump, setting the stage for a closely watched election.


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