Jul 24, 2024, 9:00 AM
Jul 24, 2024, 9:00 AM

Former Defense Minister Calls for Shift in Israel's War Strategy

  • Israeli lawmaker Avigdor Liberman criticizes Israeli strategy in targeting Hamas and Hezbollah instead of Iran directly.
  • He believes that Israel should focus on confronting Iran itself to address the root of the threat.
  • Liberman's stance highlights the ongoing debate within Israel's leadership regarding national security priorities.

In a significant shift from his previous stance, former Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman, now an opposition lawmaker, has criticized the current military focus on Iranian proxies such as Hamas and Hezbollah. Lieberman argues that Israel is misdirecting its efforts and should instead confront Iran directly. He advocates for an end to the war in Gaza and a complete severance of ties with the region, emphasizing that threats to Israel will emanate from Iran and its affiliates across the Middle East. Lieberman’s remarks come in the wake of the October 7 atrocities, which have prompted even left-leaning Israelis to seek leadership that addresses the situation candidly. He asserts that Israel must adopt a more aggressive stance against its adversaries, warning that any leniency could lead to dire consequences. His call for a strategic pivot reflects a growing sentiment among some Israelis who are disillusioned with the current approach to security. Despite his past as a close ally of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Lieberman has distanced himself from the ruling coalition, which has drawn criticism from right-wing factions. Political analysts note that Lieberman is viewed as a leading figure in the opposition, with recent polls indicating that a majority of Jewish Israelis prefer him over Netanyahu as a potential prime minister. As the political landscape shifts, Lieberman’s stance highlights a broader debate within Israel regarding the best approach to national security and the ongoing conflict with Iran and its proxies.


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