Aug 24, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 24, 2024, 12:00 AM

Bison escape from Connecticut farm, one gives birth during adventure

  • Three bison escaped from 3B Ranch in North Branford, Connecticut, on a Sunday, with one giving birth during their adventure.
  • The bison traveled approximately six miles to Guilford and returned on their own with the baby bison in tow.
  • The incident attracted local attention, and the ranch is now seeking help from the public to name the newborn bison.

Three bison escaped from the 3B Ranch in North Branford, Connecticut, on a Sunday, knocking down their wire fence and traveling approximately six miles to Guilford. During their adventure, one of the bison gave birth, leading to a total of four bison returning to the ranch. The Guilford Police Department confirmed their safe return on Wednesday, advising locals to avoid the bison due to their unpredictable nature. Amanda Maresca, a family member of the ranch, expressed relief when the bison returned late Tuesday night, as they had left the gate open for them. The incident garnered significant attention on social media, with locals sharing pictures of the bison roaming freely. Maresca learned about the escape from a friend, highlighting the community's engagement with the event. The playful nature of the bison was noted, as they explored the countryside and interacted with residents, leading to humorous remarks about their newfound 'maternity leave.' This was not the first time the bison had escaped; in a previous incident, farm workers successfully lured them back using molasses. The ranch has housed bison for over a decade, and the family is accustomed to their occasional escapades. Maresca expressed confidence that the bison would return, stating they were not overly worried about their safety. The ranch is now seeking public assistance in naming the newborn bison, further involving the community in the ranch's activities. This incident not only showcased the bison's adventurous spirit but also strengthened the bond between the ranch and the local community.


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