Sep 1, 2024, 11:48 AM
Sep 1, 2024, 11:48 AM

Liz Truss"s government chaos revealed in new tell-all book

  • Sir Anthony Seldon's biography details the internal conflicts and chaos within Liz Truss's government during her 49-day tenure.
  • The book highlights key events, including the disastrous mini-budget and the sacking of Treasury permanent secretary Sir Tom Scholar.
  • Seldon concludes that the blame for the government's turmoil lies with Truss's leadership failures rather than external conspiracies.

Sir Anthony Seldon's biography reveals the turmoil during Liz Truss's brief time as Prime Minister, highlighting her leadership failures and internal conflicts within her government. The book details the chaotic environment in Downing Street, particularly following the disastrous mini-budget announced on September 23, 2022, which led to significant market instability and political pressure. Truss's relationship with her advisors deteriorated, exemplified by the sacking of Sir Tom Scholar, the Treasury's permanent secretary, due to past grievances. This decision was indicative of her broader struggles to manage her team and navigate the political landscape. The narrative also captures the tension between Truss and her then-Chancellor, Kwasi Kwarteng, who believed his position was secure despite warnings of impending dismissal. The book recounts a pivotal moment when Kwarteng, fearing for his job, confronted aides about his fate, illustrating the anxiety permeating her administration. Additionally, the account of Jeremy Hunt receiving a call from Truss while on holiday underscores the disarray and lack of communication within her cabinet. Seldon ultimately dismisses Truss's claims of a 'deep state' conspiracy undermining her economic agenda, attributing the chaos to her own mismanagement and the fractious atmosphere in her government. The revelations paint a picture of a leader unable to unite her team or effectively implement her policies, leading to her swift downfall. In conclusion, the book serves as a critical examination of Truss's leadership style, revealing the arrogance and disorganization that characterized her short tenure, and offers insights into the factors that contributed to her resignation after just 49 days in office.


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