Sep 18, 2024, 5:04 PM
Sep 18, 2024, 5:04 PM

Sarajevo event highlights EU role in migration management

  • The Sarajevo Migration Dialogue will take place on Jahorina, focusing on regional cooperation in migration management.
  • Minister Nešić announced nearly completed negotiations with the EU on an agreement with FRONTEX, pending only technical details.
  • The event aims to foster collaboration and address migration challenges in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Western Balkans.

The Sarajevo Migration Dialogue, organized by the Minister of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Nenad Nešić, is set to take place on Jahorina, focusing on regional cooperation in migration management. This event will gather government representatives, international organizations, and experts to address migration challenges in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Western Balkans. A significant aspect of the dialogue will be the nearly finalized negotiations with the European Union regarding an agreement with FRONTEX, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency. Minister Nešić highlighted the importance of the agreement with FRONTEX, stating that only technical details and procedural actions remain before political confirmation in Bosnia and Herzegovina's competent institutions. The presence of Henrik Nielsen, Director for Schengen, Borders, and Visas at the European Commission's Directorate-General for Migration and Home Affairs, is seen as crucial for the negotiation process. His support, along with that of his colleagues, is deemed invaluable for the successful implementation of migration management initiatives. The dialogue will cover key issues such as regional cooperation, combating human trafficking, and strengthening return and readmission policies. The discussions aim to enhance the role of the European Union in managing migration in the Western Balkans, addressing the pressing challenges faced by the region. Overall, the Sarajevo Migration Dialogue represents a significant step towards fostering collaboration among various stakeholders in migration management, with the goal of finding common solutions to the complex migration issues affecting Bosnia and Herzegovina and its neighboring countries.


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