Aug 30, 2024, 8:29 PM
Aug 30, 2024, 8:29 PM

UN allocates $100 million for global humanitarian crises in 10 nations

  • The United Nations allocated $100 million for humanitarian emergencies in ten countries, including Yemen and Ethiopia.
  • The funding aims to address severe crises caused by prolonged conflicts and climate-related challenges.
  • This allocation highlights the urgent need for international support amid a growing gap in humanitarian funding.

On a recent Friday, the United Nations allocated $100 million to address humanitarian emergencies in ten countries across Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and the Caribbean. This funding aims to alleviate the dire situations in nations suffering from prolonged conflicts and natural disasters. Notably, Yemen and Ethiopia received the largest shares, with $20 million and $15 million respectively, highlighting the urgent need for assistance in these war-torn regions. The funding distribution reflects the severity of crises in these areas, with Myanmar, Mali, Burkina Faso, Haiti, Cameroon, and Mozambique also receiving significant amounts. Additionally, Burundi and Malawi were allocated funds to combat severe food insecurity exacerbated by climate-related challenges. This release marks the second instance this year where the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) has provided $100 million in emergency funding, indicating a consistent effort to address global humanitarian needs. Despite these efforts, the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reported that the total funding released this year is the lowest in three years, emphasizing a growing disparity between humanitarian needs and available donor funding. The humanitarian community has appealed for $49 billion to assist 187 million people in crisis situations worldwide, yet only 29% of this amount has been secured, leaving a significant funding gap. In addition to the funding, the U.N. and its partners have initiated emergency appeals to support 14.5 million individuals in southern Africa affected by El NiƱo, further underscoring the urgent need for international assistance in the face of escalating humanitarian crises.


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