Jul 27, 2024, 4:45 PM
Jul 27, 2024, 4:45 PM

Matt Damon’s Weight Advice to Josh Hartnett Comes Too Late

  • Josh Hartnett shared that he found some of Matt Damon's guidance while filming 'Oppenheimer' to be unhelpful.
  • Despite Damon's experience, Hartnett felt that the advice lacked practicality in their working context.
  • This anecdote sheds light on the dynamics between co-stars in high-stakes projects.

In a recent interview, Josh Hartnett shared a humorous yet poignant anecdote about the advice he received from his "Oppenheimer" co-star Matt Damon regarding weight management. Hartnett revealed that Damon cautioned him against gaining weight for his role, which he ultimately did, adding about 30 pounds. Damon warned Hartnett that once he crossed the 40-year mark, shedding that weight would become increasingly difficult, a sentiment Hartnett found both amusing and frustrating. Hartnett, who portrayed a smaller role in the film, reflected on the irony of receiving such advice after he had already committed to the physical transformation for his character. "Thanks, Matt. Thanks for telling me this now," he quipped, indicating that the timing of the advice was less than ideal. The actor humorously noted that he has since altered his eating habits, suggesting a shift in lifestyle following the production. Despite his smaller role, Hartnett expressed a sense of relief during awards season, noting that he felt less pressure without a nomination. He acknowledged the film's success, particularly its win for Best Picture at the Oscars, where he had the opportunity to join the cast on stage. However, he humorously lamented being just out of frame in the celebratory photographs, highlighting the often-overlooked contributions of supporting actors in major productions.


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