Aug 22, 2024, 12:30 AM
Aug 22, 2024, 12:30 AM

Threatening Emails Sent to Jewish Groups in Canada

  • Over 100 synagogues, Jewish organizations, and doctors in Canada received identical threatening emails.
  • The recipients are on high alert as the authorities investigate the situation.
  • The Jewish community in Canada is facing a concerning security threat.

OTTAWA, Ontario — Over 100 synagogues, Jewish organizations, and medical facilities in various Canadian cities were placed on high alert following the receipt of a threatening email on Wednesday. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) confirmed that threats were directed at multiple institutions, including synagogues and hospitals. In response, law enforcement is collaborating with faith-based leaders to provide necessary information and support, while the Federal Policing National Security Program investigates the origins of the threats. The email contained alarming threats of death and physical harm, aiming to instill fear among the Jewish community. Despite police assessments indicating no immediate physical danger, the psychological impact of such threats has been profound. Michael Levitt, CEO of the Friends of Simon Wiesenthal Center, expressed his concern, calling the situation "absolutely chilling." These threats emerge against a backdrop of escalating antisemitism in Canada, particularly following the October 7 attack by Hamas on Israel and the subsequent military actions in Gaza. A report from B’nai Brith Canada noted that antisemitic incidents had doubled in 2023. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau condemned the threats, labeling them as "blatant antisemitism," and assured that the RCMP is actively working with local law enforcement to ensure the safety of Jewish Canadians. As a precautionary measure, B’nai Brith reported that its Toronto office underwent an explosives sweep, highlighting the seriousness of the situation and the ongoing concerns for community safety.


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