Sep 11, 2024, 11:03 AM
Sep 11, 2024, 11:03 AM

Man sues hotel for £1m after falling into pit at prom

  • Thomas Atkins fell into a 15-foot pit during his school prom at Pendley Manor Hotel, suffering serious brain injuries.
  • He claims the wall surrounding the pit was too low and denies being intoxicated at the time of the incident.
  • Atkins is suing the hotel for over £1 million, raising concerns about safety measures and risk assessments at event venues.

In June 2019, Thomas Atkins attended his school prom at Pendley Manor Hotel, a Grade-II listed venue in Hertfordshire. During the event, he fell into a 15-foot deep lightwell, resulting in serious injuries, including brain damage that required a craniotomy. Atkins claims that the low wall surrounding the pit was insufficient for safety, leading to his fall. He asserts that he was not intoxicated at the time, despite allegations from the hotel’s legal team regarding his alcohol consumption throughout the day. Atkins' legal representatives argue that the hotel failed to conduct proper risk assessments for the outdoor area, which included the lightwell. They highlight that the wall surrounding the pit was 10 to 20 centimeters lower than the recommended safety standards. The hotel’s defense contends that the drop was clearly visible and suggests that Atkins may have been at fault for his fall. The case has raised questions about the responsibilities of venues hosting events where alcohol is served, particularly regarding safety measures for guests. The hotel admitted that the wall's height was below standard, which could indicate negligence in ensuring guest safety. The trial is ongoing, with both sides presenting their arguments regarding liability and the circumstances surrounding the incident. As the legal proceedings continue, the outcome may have implications for how similar venues manage safety protocols and alcohol consumption during events, potentially influencing future regulations in the hospitality industry.


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