Sep 8, 2024, 12:00 AM
Sep 8, 2024, 12:00 AM

Willets Point development threatens lives of Shea Stadium strays

  • Nearly 100 feral cats at Willets Point are threatened by new development plans for a soccer stadium and retail spaces.
  • Animal activist Regina Massaro has been caring for these cats for 17 years, but the situation is worsening as their habitat shrinks.
  • Without a proper management strategy, the cats face potential death if displaced from their territory.

The colony of nearly 100 feral cats at Willets Point is facing imminent danger due to the development of a new soccer stadium and surrounding retail and residential spaces. As construction progresses, these cats have already been pushed from their original habitats into the auto body sector, which is also slated for demolition. Animal activists, led by Regina Massaro, have been advocating for the cats, emphasizing their need for a safe environment and proper care. Massaro has been feeding and caring for these cats for 17 years, but the increasing pressure from development has made the situation dire. Local auto shop owner Paul Cohen has noted the growing number of cats, spending his own money to feed them. The lack of a coordinated strategy for managing the feral cat population has led to concerns about their survival. Experts suggest that a managed retreat to a safer area or a sanctuary could be a solution, but the city has historically neglected the issue of free-roaming cats. Massaro argues that the cats, as descendants of the Shea Stadium strays, have a right to remain in their neighborhood. She believes that the developers should incorporate a designated area within the new project to ensure the cats can live safely. The absence of a plan for their relocation raises fears that the cats will face death if forced out of their territory. The situation highlights the broader issue of feral cat management in urban areas, where development often overlooks the needs of vulnerable animal populations. Without intervention, the future of these cats remains uncertain as construction continues at Willets Point.


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