Aug 15, 2024, 3:49 PM
Aug 15, 2024, 3:49 PM

MEP Peter Agius Emphasizes Importance of Alliances in Parliament

  • New MEP Peter Agius reflects on the significance of forming alliances in the European Parliament.
  • He highlights the importance of collaboration and addressing core issues.
  • Agius shares his early experiences and insights from his first weeks in Parliament.

Brussels (The Brussels Morning Newspaper) – Newly elected Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Peter Agius has shared insights from his initial weeks in office, highlighting the critical role of alliances and collaboration in addressing the needs of his constituents. Agius, who previously served as the head of the European Parliament Office in Malta, was elected on the Nationalist Party ticket in June and now aligns with the European People’s Party. He reflects on the importance of understanding the dynamics within parliamentary groups and the necessity of cooperation among MEPs to achieve meaningful progress. Agius underscores the significance of forming alliances across various committees to effectively advocate for the interests of Maltese and Gozitan citizens. He notes that mutual understanding and consent among MEPs are essential for successful collaboration. “I need allies in all the European Parliament’s committees if I want to promote the interests of the Maltese and the Gozitans,” he states, emphasizing the interconnected nature of parliamentary work. The MEP also points out the unique structure of the European Parliament, which allows members to participate in committees beyond their official assignments. This flexibility enables Agius to engage with colleagues from different political parties, ensuring that his perspectives are heard even in areas outside his primary focus. In addition to fostering individual alliances, Agius advocates for improved coordination among MEPs and suggests the creation of a platform to connect MEPs with social partners, further enhancing collaborative efforts within the European Parliament.


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