Sep 14, 2024, 1:20 PM
Sep 9, 2024, 12:00 AM

Cheetos bag dropped at Carlsbad Caverns impacts ecosystem

  • A visitor dropped a bag of Cheetos inside Carlsbad Caverns National Park, which is prohibited.
  • The snack created a conducive environment for microbial life and fungi, leading to a temporary food web.
  • Park rangers emphasized the importance of minimizing human impact on the ecosystem and urged visitors to follow park regulations.

A visitor at Carlsbad Caverns National Park in New Mexico recently dropped a bag of Cheetos, which had significant repercussions for the cave's ecosystem. The park rangers highlighted that while a spilled snack may seem insignificant, it can drastically alter the delicate balance of life within the cave. The processed corn from the Cheetos, combined with the cave's humidity, created an ideal environment for microbial life and fungi to thrive. This led to the emergence of a temporary food web involving cave crickets, mites, spiders, and flies, which began to disperse nutrients throughout the cave. Rangers spent approximately 20 minutes cleaning up the molds and debris caused by the dropped snack, emphasizing that many of the microbial organisms and molds that developed were not native to the cave ecosystem. The incident serves as a reminder of the impact human activities can have on natural environments, even in seemingly trivial ways. The park's regulations clearly state that only plain water is permitted for consumption inside the cavern to prevent attracting wildlife. The Big Room, the largest single cave chamber by volume in North America, is accessible via a flat trail and has been shaped over millions of years by natural processes. The park's management urges visitors to be mindful of their actions, as even small items like snack bags can lead to significant ecological changes. Ultimately, the park's message is clear: every visitor leaves an impact, and it is crucial to strive to leave natural spaces better than they were found.


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