Aug 21, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 21, 2024, 12:00 AM

Diplomatic Tensions Between France and Algeria Impact Deportations of Undocumented Nationals

  • France and Algeria are embroiled in a dispute over deportation procedures.
  • President Macron's stance on Western Sahara may complicate the return of Algerian nationals from France.
  • NGOs are concerned about the legality of extended detentions of individuals.

A diplomatic rift has emerged between France and Algeria following French President Emmanuel Macron's controversial letter to Moroccan King Mohammed VI, affirming Morocco's sovereignty over Western Sahara. This statement has reignited tensions, as Western Sahara is claimed by the Sahrawi independence fighters of the Polisario Front, who seek a referendum on self-determination. Algeria's Foreign Ministry criticized France for acting without considering the potential repercussions, which could include a halt to the deportation of undocumented Algerians. The expulsion of undocumented nationals relies heavily on consular travel documents, which are essential for returning individuals to their home countries. These documents have become a tool of diplomatic leverage, particularly after France's 2021 decision to freeze visas for North African nations due to their low issuance of such documents. The recent diplomatic fallout has raised concerns about the future of these deportations, as Algeria's response may complicate the process. Since the diplomatic tensions escalated, the situation in France's administrative detention centers remains unclear. Reports indicate that only seven Algerians have been deported since July 30, suggesting that while deportations have not completely ceased, they are significantly affected. Claire Bloch from Cimade noted that no consular travel documents have been issued in Toulouse since the diplomatic incident, leading to canceled flights and further complications in the deportation process. As the situation develops, the impact of the diplomatic row on the deportation of undocumented Algerians remains to be fully assessed, with both countries navigating a complex political landscape.


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