Sep 16, 2024, 12:00 AM
Sep 16, 2024, 12:00 AM

Californians poised for record voter turnout in 2024 election

  • Kamala Harris's candidacy is expected to drive significant voter enthusiasm in California.
  • Historical turnout data shows a record 17.8 million voters participated in the 2020 election.
  • Experts predict high turnout this year, but it may not surpass the record levels of 2020.

Californians are expected to show significant enthusiasm for the upcoming election, particularly due to Kamala Harris's candidacy. A nonpartisan expert predicts that her status as a Californian and the potential to elect the first woman president will drive voter turnout. Historical data shows that while California's turnout in past presidential elections has been around 75-77%, the 2020 election saw a record 17.8 million voters. This year, both Democrats and Republicans are anticipated to participate actively, with GOP voters motivated by opposition to Harris. Experts suggest that while turnout may be high, it might not surpass the record levels seen in 2020. Mindy Romero from the USC Center for Inclusive Democracy notes that Harris's candidacy will draw more attention, but many Californians primarily recognize her as vice president rather than a local figure. The political landscape is charged, with Democrats outnumbering Republicans nearly 2-to-1, and the presence of Donald Trump as a polarizing figure further energizes the electorate. There is also a notable increase in young voter registration, which could lead to a record turnout among this demographic. Predictions indicate that turnout could reach as high as 80%, but experts remain cautious about exceeding the previous election's numbers. The ongoing concerns about voting security, particularly regarding online voting, continue to shape the discourse around voter participation. Overall, the combination of local pride in Harris, the desire to oppose Trump, and a surge in young voters suggests a highly engaged electorate in California for the upcoming election, though the exact turnout remains uncertain.


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