Sep 15, 2024, 2:59 PM
Sep 15, 2024, 2:59 PM

Earth to host mini-moon for 60 days in 2025

  • Asteroid 2024 PT will become a mini-moon for Earth from September 29 to November 25, 2024.
  • The asteroid, about 10 meters in diameter, is confirmed to be an Arjuna asteroid, not space junk.
  • This event offers a rare opportunity for study, despite the mini-moon's dim visibility.

Astronomers have confirmed that an asteroid, designated 2024 PT, will temporarily become a mini-moon for Earth. This event is expected to occur between September 29 and November 25, 2024, when the asteroid, measuring approximately 10 meters in diameter, will be captured by Earth's gravitational pull. The research conducted by Carlos de la Fuente Marcos and Raúl de la Fuente Marcos from the Complutense University of Madrid indicates that this asteroid is not merely space debris but rather an Arjuna asteroid, which has a similar orbit to Earth. The mini-moon phenomenon is significant as it highlights the dynamic interactions between celestial bodies within our solar system. While the asteroid will be in orbit around Earth for just over 56 days, it will eventually return to its original path around the Sun. This brief period of dual moons will provide a unique opportunity for astronomers to study the behavior of near-Earth objects and their potential impact on our planet. Despite the excitement surrounding this event, observers may find it challenging to see the mini-moon due to its dim magnitude. The asteroid's low brightness means that it will likely go unnoticed by the casual observer, even though it will be in close proximity to Earth. Looking ahead, the asteroid is expected to return as a mini-moon in early 2025 and again in 2051. This cyclical nature of its orbit emphasizes the importance of ongoing monitoring and research of near-Earth objects, as they can provide valuable insights into the history and future of our solar system.


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