Aug 22, 2024, 8:52 PM
Aug 21, 2024, 1:14 PM

Couple arrested on plane over hair transplant dispute

  • Couple arrested on American Airlines plane at Miami International Airport.
  • Dispute over a bloody hair transplant led to their refusal to get off the plane.
  • The situation escalated to the point of police intervention and arrest.

Two travelers were arrested on an American Airlines flight after a medical incident involving a bloody hair transplant. Eugenio Ernesto Hernandez-Garnier, 27, and Yusleydis Blanca Loyola, 32, were returning to Las Vegas from Miami when crew members noticed significant bleeding from Hernandez-Garnier's head. According to Miami-Dade Police, airline staff requested that he clean up the blood and change his bandages, but he claimed he had no clean bandages available. When the crew asked Hernandez-Garnier to leave the plane, he and Loyola allegedly refused, stating, “If they could not fly, no one else can either.” A TikTok video posted by Loyola captured her shouting about her partner's recent surgery. The situation escalated, leading to the entire flight being disembarked in Las Vegas, causing delays for other passengers. Upon the arrival of law enforcement, Hernandez-Garnier and Loyola continued to resist leaving the aircraft, resulting in their arrest for trespassing. Police reported that the couple briefly resisted being handcuffed before they were taken into custody. Hernandez-Garnier was subsequently transported to Jackson West Medical Centre for a medical evaluation before both were moved to Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center. American Airlines confirmed the incident, expressing gratitude for the professionalism of their crew and apologizing to passengers for the disruption. The couple now faces charges of trespassing after a warning and resisting an officer without violence.


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