Aug 12, 2024, 2:12 PM
Aug 12, 2024, 2:12 PM

Brian May Criticizes Badger Cull

  • Brian May criticizes the practice of Badger Cull.
  • He compares it to witches being burned at the stake.
  • May advocates against the culling of badgers.

Brian May, the iconic guitarist of Queen, has intensified his campaign against badger culling, labeling the practice as “morally indefensible” in his latest documentary, *Brian May: The Badgers, the Farmers and Me*. May draws parallels between the culling and historical witch hunts, arguing that the government’s approach to managing bovine tuberculosis (bTB) through badger culling is misguided and ineffective. He believes that the slaughter of these animals, which he views as wasteful, reflects a broader failure in agricultural policy. The documentary highlights the controversial government plan to eradicate badgers in specific regions of the UK, particularly in the southwest, where bTB is prevalent. May points out that despite the culling of over a thousand badgers, there has been no significant evidence linking the culling to a reduction in bTB rates among cattle. He criticizes the flawed testing regimes on farms that continue to reinfect cattle, suggesting that the culling strategy is not only ineffective but also a costly mistake. The debate over badger culling has drawn sharp responses from various stakeholders, including television personality Jeremy Clarkson. In his series *Clarkson’s Farm*, Clarkson acknowledges the complexity of the issue but defends the necessity of addressing the threat badgers pose to farming. He argues that portraying badgers as innocent creatures overlooks the significant challenges they present to farmers who have invested years into their livelihoods. As tensions rise between wildlife activists and government officials, May’s documentary aims to shed light on the ethical implications of badger culling and advocate for a more scientifically sound approach to managing bTB.


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