Jul 12, 2024, 12:00 AM
Jul 12, 2024, 12:00 AM

Heat Management Tips for the Summer Months

  • Dr. Gulrez Shah Azhar shares tips on staying cool during extreme heat without air conditioning.
  • These strategies are informed by experiences from the Global South, particularly in India.
  • Understanding these techniques can help individuals cope with rising temperatures globally.

As temperatures rise, experts emphasize the importance of staying hydrated and avoiding direct sunlight to mitigate the effects of heat. Simple strategies, such as drinking plenty of liquids and taking cold showers, can significantly help in cooling down the body. Individuals are encouraged to splash water on their faces and heads to lower body temperature effectively. Creative solutions for staying cool include rearranging furniture to maximize airflow, such as moving beds closer to windows. In some cultures, traditional methods like hanging grass-woven curtains at doorways can help bring in cooler, humid air. These practices not only provide immediate relief but also reflect cultural ingenuity in adapting to heat. Additionally, wearing damp cloths, such as the gamcha or dupatta, around the neck or head can offer a cooling effect. Taking afternoon siestas or scheduling work during cooler parts of the day can also help manage heat exposure. This approach allows individuals to maintain productivity while minimizing discomfort from high temperatures. Finally, the importance of environmental stewardship is highlighted, as planting trees can provide shade for future generations. This long-term commitment to creating cooler spaces underscores the collective responsibility to combat the effects of rising temperatures, ensuring a more comfortable living environment for all.


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