Virginia poachers face jail for killing legendary Hollywood Buck
- Two hunters were convicted for killing a famous deer in Hollywood Cemetery, Richmond.
- Walters received a four-month jail sentence and a 100-year hunting license revocation, while Proffitt faced a six-year suspension.
- The case emphasizes the importance of community involvement in wildlife protection and the consequences of illegal hunting.
In Richmond, Virginia, two hunters were found guilty of illegally killing a well-known deer, referred to as the 'Hollywood Buck,' in the historic Hollywood Cemetery. The incident gained attention after one of the hunters, Walters, shared photos of the deer on a popular Facebook page dedicated to hunting. This led to public outcry and an investigation by the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources, which confirmed the buck had been a beloved figure in the community for years. Walters received a four-month active jail sentence, along with nearly seven years of suspended jail time. His hunting license was revoked for a century, with a minimum of 25 years of active loss. The second hunter, Alan Proffitt, faced a six-year suspension of his hunting privileges. Both sentences were contingent upon maintaining good behavior and adhering to local laws. The 'Hollywood Buck' had become a local favorite, often seen roaming the cemetery grounds, which are off-limits for hunting. The deer was estimated to be six or seven years old, making its illegal killing a significant violation of wildlife laws. The case highlighted the importance of community vigilance in protecting local wildlife. The incident serves as a reminder of the consequences of illegal hunting and the role of social media in wildlife conservation efforts. The swift action taken by law enforcement, prompted by community members, underscores the collective responsibility to safeguard cherished local wildlife and uphold ethical hunting practices.