Sep 6, 2024, 12:00 AM
Sep 6, 2024, 12:00 AM

Beqaa Valley: Reviving Hezbollah"s Role in Ongoing Conflict with Israel

  • Israeli airstrikes on Nabi Chit targeted a weapons depot, resulting in casualties and injuries among local residents, including children.
  • Hezbollah, supported by the Shia population in the Beqaa, has positioned itself as a defender against Israeli aggression, with significant military capabilities.
  • The community's support for Hezbollah reflects a broader struggle against injustice, as they rally around the group in the face of ongoing conflict.

In the Beqaa Valley, particularly near Nabi Chit, recent Israeli airstrikes have reignited tensions in the region, which is known for its historical significance in the Hezbollah-Israel conflict. The strikes targeted a weapons depot and air defense system, resulting in casualties, including injuries to local children. Residents, including ardent Hezbollah supporters, view these attacks as violations of their land and rally around the group, reinforcing its role as a defender against Israeli aggression. Hezbollah, which draws its support from the predominantly Shia population in the Beqaa, has evolved from an insurgent group to a significant political and military force in Lebanon. The mayor of Nabi Chit emphasized the region's strategic importance as a second line of defense for Lebanon, following the south. The group’s military capabilities, bolstered by Iranian support, include an estimated arsenal of 150,000 rockets and missiles, which they are prepared to use if conflict escalates. The local economy has shifted over the years, with cannabis cultivation becoming a primary source of income, replacing traditional crops. This change reflects broader economic challenges in the region, as the Beqaa was once known as Lebanon's breadbasket. The community's resilience is evident as they continue to support Hezbollah, viewing their struggle against Israel as part of a larger fight for justice and sovereignty. As tensions rise, the Beqaa Valley remains a focal point in the ongoing conflict, with its residents caught in the crossfire of geopolitical struggles. The situation underscores the complexities of local identities, economic realities, and the enduring legacy of resistance against perceived oppression.


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