Sep 13, 2024, 12:00 AM
Sep 10, 2024, 12:00 AM

Harris challenges Trump on abortion in upcoming debate

  • During a debate, Trump accused Harris of supporting late-term abortions and extreme Democratic policies.
  • He referenced a 2019 Virginia proposal that aimed to ease restrictions on late-term abortions, suggesting it could lead to newborns being left to die.
  • Harris defended her position by supporting Roe v. Wade but avoided answering questions about restrictions, highlighting the ongoing national debate on abortion.

During a recent debate, Donald Trump challenged Kamala Harris on her stance regarding late-term abortions, claiming that Democrats support extreme policies that could lead to the 'execution' of newborns. He referenced a controversial 2019 proposal in Virginia that aimed to ease restrictions on late-term abortions, suggesting that it implied allowing newborns to die if the mother chose to abort. Trump insisted that such views were unacceptable and pressed Harris to clarify her position on abortion in the later stages of pregnancy. In response, Harris emphasized her support for reinstating the protections of Roe v. Wade but avoided directly addressing questions about potential restrictions on abortion. The debate moderators fact-checked Trump's claims, stating that no state permits the killing of a baby after birth, which Harris echoed by dismissing Trump's assertions as lies. The exchange highlighted the ongoing national debate over abortion rights, with Trump and other Republicans using the issue to rally their base by framing pro-abortion advocates as extreme. The discussion reflects the broader political landscape where abortion remains a contentious issue, particularly in the context of upcoming elections. Harris's responses, while affirming her commitment to reproductive rights, did not quell the concerns raised by Trump and his supporters, indicating that abortion will continue to be a pivotal topic in political discourse leading up to the elections.


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