Aug 8, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 8, 2024, 12:00 AM

Electric Lady Studios: A Hub of Creativity and Haunting Tales

  • Electric Lady Studios in NYC has a reputation for being haunted.
  • Artists like David Bowie, Lou Reed, Beyoncé, and Taylor Swift have recorded music there.
  • Some believe the studio is haunted by more than just rock history.

Electric Lady Studios, opened in August 1970 and founded by music legend Jimi Hendrix, has garnered a reputation for being haunted. Numerous accounts from staff and artists describe eerie experiences within the studio. One individual recounted seeing what he believed was his assistant heading to the lounge, only to discover moments later that his assistant had entered from another direction. Another incident involved a group witnessing a figure they assumed was an engineer, only to find the live room empty except for a TV playing static. The studio's ghostly reputation is further fueled by personal experiences shared by those who have worked there. One person described a fleeting vision of a shimmering silver dress and another recalled a vivid encounter with an old man while sleeping. These stories contribute to the studio's mystique, suggesting a connection to Hendrix himself, who is often felt by artists who record there. Janie Hendrix, Jimi's sister and co-owner of the studio, acknowledges the emotional ties artists have to her brother's legacy but firmly states that the studio is not haunted. Current co-owner Lee Foster has made efforts to preserve the studio's unique atmosphere, which many believe is infused with Hendrix's spirit rather than the presence of ghosts. Despite the debate over its haunted status, Electric Lady Studios remains a revered site in music history, having hosted the recording of iconic albums by artists like Patti Smith and Britney Spears, further solidifying its legacy as a creative sanctuary.


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