Jul 24, 2024, 12:00 AM
Jul 24, 2024, 12:00 AM

Royal Household Initiates Green Initiatives Amid Rising Carbon Emissions

  • King Charles III has initiated several environmental measures aimed at reducing the carbon footprint of the British monarchy.
  • These initiatives include the installation of solar panels and the use of biofuel cars throughout royal estates.
  • This move aligns with the King's prior commitment to environmental causes and marks a significant step in royal advocacy for sustainability.

The Royal Household has announced a series of environmentally friendly upgrades, as detailed in its latest financial accounts released on Wednesday. Notable projects include the refurbishment of gas-powered lanterns at Buckingham Palace to operate on electricity and the installation of solar panels at Windsor Castle, the venue of Prince Harry and Meghan's wedding in 2018. Additionally, the King’s Bentleys are set to be modified to run on biofuel within the next year, as part of a broader goal to transition to an “almost fully electric” vehicle fleet, although no specific timeline has been provided. The use of biofuels, however, remains a contentious issue, with debates surrounding their effectiveness in reducing carbon emissions. Some studies suggest that cultivating crops for fuel may produce more carbon than traditional gasoline vehicles. In a further commitment to sustainability, the Royal Household plans to utilize sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) for two new helicopters, which will facilitate royal engagements in remote areas of the UK. SAF is considered more environmentally friendly due to its production from waste products or plants that absorb carbon dioxide. Despite these initiatives, the Royal Household's overall carbon emissions have increased by 4% in the 2023-24 financial year, totaling 5,994 tonnes, equivalent to the emissions from over 780 average American homes. The financial accounts indicate that a significant portion of the budget is allocated to maintaining royal properties and staff salaries. The Royal Household's environmental efforts are part of a long-standing commitment by King Charles, which includes plans for solar panels at Sandringham Estate, a historic residence of the British monarchy since 1862.


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