Aug 14, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 14, 2024, 12:00 AM

Food Prices Rising Fastest Since Jimmy Carter's Time

  • Food prices are experiencing the fastest rise since Jimmy Carter's time.
  • The inflation in food prices is alarmingly high, comparable to levels from nearly half a century ago.
  • This surge in food costs is reminiscent of the economic challenges during the Jimmy Carter administration.

As Americans navigate grocery stores, they are met with significant price increases, highlighting a persistent issue for the Biden-Harris administration: inflation. The cost of groceries has surged over 21 percent since the administration took office, making inflation a top concern for voters. Recent polls indicate that 77 percent of Americans view inflation as a "very important" issue, with 78 percent of registered voters identifying it as a major source of personal financial stress. Food inflation is particularly alarming, with a Financial Times poll revealing that a substantial majority of voters believe it negatively impacts their financial situation. Despite the White House's attempts to downplay the issue by citing recent slowdowns in price increases, grocery prices remain elevated. Critics point to Vice President Kamala Harris's tie-breaking votes in the Senate, which facilitated trillions in spending, as a contributing factor to the inflation crisis. The current food inflation rate marks the highest increase under any president since Jimmy Carter, with the first 42 months of the Biden-Harris administration recording the third-largest rise in food prices since 1952. In stark contrast, grocery prices increased by only 6.3 percent during the first 42 months of Donald Trump’s presidency. Recent data shows a slight uptick in grocery prices, with a 0.1 percent increase in July, following a period of negative readings on the consumer price index for food at home.


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