Aug 16, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 16, 2024, 12:00 AM

Insider's Memoir on Pentagon's U.F.O. Program

  • Former intelligence official shares insights on Pentagon's U.F.O. program in memoir 'Imminent'.
  • Memoir provides insider's perspective on once-secret U.F.O. program run by former official.
  • Author reveals some of the knowledge they have about the Pentagon's U.F.O. hunt.

Ralph Blumenthal and former Pentagon official Luis Elizondo have gained attention for their roles in uncovering the U.S. government's investigations into unidentified flying objects (U.F.O.s). Elizondo, who resigned from a senior intelligence position in 2017, criticized the Pentagon's excessive secrecy and lack of resources that hindered the investigation of U.F.O.s. His departure coincided with the release of compelling videos and testimonies from Navy pilots, which sparked congressional inquiries and led to significant legislative actions regarding U.F.O. phenomena. In a notable 2023 House hearing, a former U.S. intelligence official claimed that the government has recovered objects of nonhuman origin, further fueling public interest in the topic. Elizondo's assertions challenge the long-held belief that humanity is the only intelligent life in the universe, suggesting that we may not be the dominant species. His insights are detailed in the forthcoming memoir, "Imminent: Inside the Pentagon’s Hunt for U.F.O.s," set to be published by HarperCollins on August 20. The book's release follows a year-long security review by the Pentagon, indicating the sensitive nature of the information contained within. As the discourse surrounding U.F.O.s continues to evolve, Elizondo's memoir promises to provide an insider's perspective on the complexities and challenges faced by those investigating these phenomena within the government. The anticipation surrounding the book reflects a growing public curiosity about the existence of extraterrestrial life and the government's role in uncovering the truth.


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