Pavel Durov addresses French charges against Telegram in public statement
- Pavel Durov has made his first public comments regarding the preliminary charges from French authorities.
- He criticized the legal framework being used to hold him accountable for third-party actions on Telegram.
- Durov committed to improving security measures on the platform and will share updates on progress soon.
Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram, has publicly addressed the preliminary charges brought against him by French authorities, which allege that he allowed the platform to be used for criminal activities. In his statement, Durov criticized the legal approach taken by the French judicial system, arguing that it is inappropriate to hold a CEO accountable for the actions of third parties using the platform. He emphasized that the laws being applied are outdated and not suited for the modern technological landscape. Durov acknowledged the challenges posed by the rapid growth of Telegram's user base, which he described as 'growing pains' that have made it easier for criminals to exploit the app. He reassured users that Telegram is not an unregulated space and expressed his commitment to enhancing security measures on the platform. Durov stated that he has made it a personal goal to improve the situation and has already initiated internal processes to address these issues. He promised to provide updates on the progress made in combating criminality on Telegram in the near future, highlighting the importance of innovation in technology without the fear of personal liability for misuse.