Aug 26, 2024, 8:06 PM
Aug 26, 2024, 8:06 PM

Secret Service puts Pence in danger during January 6 Capitol riot

  • The Homeland Security Department's watchdog report revealed significant security failures by the Secret Service during the January 6 Capitol riot.
  • Communication issues and a lack of pre-planned escape routes contributed to the danger faced by Mike Pence and Kamala Harris.
  • The findings highlight the urgent need for improved security protocols and communication strategies within the Secret Service.

A recent report from the Homeland Security Department's watchdog revealed significant security failures by the Secret Service during the January 6 Capitol riot, which endangered both Vice President Mike Pence and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris. The report highlighted that the Secret Service did not adapt its security plan despite receiving intelligence warnings about potential civil unrest and heavily armed individuals. This lack of preparation left agents undermanned and unable to effectively protect the officials involved. The report detailed how communication issues arose, with agents losing contact due to dropped signals on radios and cell phones. Additionally, a required explosives detection team was not deployed, resulting in Harris being mistakenly taken past a live pipe bomb shortly before the riot began. The transportation agent moved the motorcade without proper authorization, further complicating the situation as protesters attempted to block the vehicles. Another critical failure was the absence of a pre-planned escape route for the motorcade, which left agents uncertain about where to go during the chaos. The report indicated that if preliminary assessments had been conducted, a relocation point could have been identified, potentially averting some of the dangers faced by the officials. The loading dock where the motorcade eventually arrived had poor radio reception, exacerbating the communication breakdown. Overall, the report underscores the need for improved security protocols and better communication strategies within the Secret Service to prevent similar incidents in the future, especially when dealing with high-profile individuals in volatile situations.


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