Sep 12, 2024, 12:00 AM
Sep 12, 2024, 12:00 AM

Tunisia expels refugees to desert near Algeria border

  • A group of approximately 130 refugees and migrants were abandoned in the Tunisian desert by the National Guard, raising concerns for their safety.
  • This practice of expulsion has become systematic, violating international humanitarian law and coinciding with Tunisia's economic struggles.
  • Human rights organizations are calling for accountability and a more humane approach to migration in Tunisia.

A group of sub-Saharan African refugees and migrants, including Sierra Leonean asylum seekers, were abandoned in the Tunisian desert near the Algeria border by the National Guard. This incident, part of a broader crackdown on migration, has raised significant concerns among human rights organizations. Many of the individuals left behind were without essential resources such as food, water, or means of communication, leading to fears for their safety and well-being. Activists have reported that such expulsions have become a systematic practice in Tunisia, often occurring without regard for international humanitarian law. The situation has been exacerbated by Tunisia's ongoing economic challenges, including food shortages and high unemployment rates, which have led to a public sentiment that sometimes supports the expulsion of migrants. The plight of the refugees has drawn international media attention, prompting calls for accountability and action from the Tunisian government. Despite the dire circumstances, some individuals, like Anderson, managed to survive and were eventually rescued through the efforts of rights groups. Rescue operations are ongoing, with hopes that more individuals can be located and assisted. However, the lack of communication and resources for those still in the desert raises serious concerns about their fate. The systematic nature of these expulsions highlights a troubling trend in Tunisia's approach to migration, which has implications for the rights and safety of vulnerable populations seeking refuge. As the situation develops, human rights advocates continue to push for the protection of migrants and asylum seekers, urging the international community to take a stand against these practices. The need for a humane and lawful approach to migration is more pressing than ever, as the lives of many hang in the balance.


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