Jul 24, 2024, 10:17 AM
Jul 24, 2024, 10:17 AM

European Parliament Pushes for More Influence in Digital Policy Implementation

  • The European Parliament aims to increase its role in implementing digital policy.
  • Lawmakers are keen to change the traditionally limited role of the Parliament in digital policy.
  • This initiative could lead to a shift in power dynamics in digital policy implementation.

The European Parliament is poised to enhance its role in the implementation of digital regulations, particularly concerning the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Act. Traditionally, the Parliament has had a limited capacity to oversee the regulations it ratifies, but recent discussions among Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) indicate a shift towards increased scrutiny. Reports suggest that MEPs are considering the establishment of a dedicated group to monitor the implementation of the AI Act, reflecting a growing desire for accountability in digital policy. Currently, enforcement of certain EU digital regulations, such as the Digital Markets Act (DMA), is primarily the responsibility of the European Commission. However, MEPs, including Dutch Greens MEP Kim van Sparrentak, are advocating for a more proactive role in overseeing the Commission's work. Van Sparrentak emphasized the importance of parliamentary oversight, stating, “I think we have to be on top of it,” as the Parliament seeks to ensure effective implementation of regulations. In addition to political scrutiny, the Parliament may also leverage its research capabilities to monitor the Commission's actions. MEPs are exploring the potential for conducting independent studies to inform their oversight efforts, particularly in light of the Commission's mid-term review. This approach aims to address past shortcomings in regulatory implementation and to realign priorities moving forward. As the European Parliament prepares for its next mandate, the push for enhanced oversight in digital policy reflects a broader commitment to ensuring that regulations are effectively enforced and that civil society is engaged in the process.


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