Aug 24, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 24, 2024, 12:00 AM

Fire Ants Spreading in Queensland

  • Destructive fire ants are spreading in Queensland despite suppression efforts.
  • US specialist warns that ant densities in the region are reaching alarming levels, similar to Texas.
  • Efforts to halt the spread of fire ants in Queensland are struggling, posing a threat to the local ecosystem.

Queensland is grappling with a significant fire ant infestation, with densities reportedly approaching those seen in Texas, a region notorious for its uncontrolled fire ant populations. An expert from Texas A&M University expressed concern over the situation, highlighting that some areas in Queensland are experiencing alarming levels of infestation. The Invasive Species Council has been monitoring these rising densities, particularly in the suppression area surrounding the active eradication zone, which encompasses major regions including Brisbane, Ipswich, and the Gold Coast. Reece Pianta, the fire ant specialist at the Invasive Species Council, noted the presence of thousands of nests on various properties, indicating that current suppression efforts are insufficient. He emphasized that the suppression strategy is not part of the national eradication program but is instead managed by a Queensland government taskforce. This has raised concerns about the effectiveness of current measures, as many residents are not engaging in adequate control practices to manage the ant populations. The Invasive Species Council is advocating for a reevaluation of the suppression efforts, suggesting that it should be integrated into the broader eradication program. Meanwhile, the National Fire Ant Eradication Program has stated that local, state, and federal governments are actively treating fire ant infestations on their properties within the suppression area. Starting next month, residents in Ipswich, Logan, and select suburbs of Brisbane and the Gold Coast will have access to free treatment kits to help manage fire ants on their land, with treatments scheduled to be delivered biannually.


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