Sep 11, 2024, 4:00 PM
Sep 11, 2024, 4:00 PM

Dealer sold hundreds of knives on Instagram

  • Stefan Petrescu imported and sold hundreds of knives through Instagram, including 70 in recent months.
  • He was found to have stored weapons in unsafe locations and had regular contact with violent criminals.
  • Petrescu pleaded guilty to multiple offenses related to the possession and sale of offensive weapons.

Stefan Petrescu, a 23-year-old from Southampton, engaged in the illegal sale of knives through Instagram, boasting about their use in riots that followed the Southport stabbings. He imported a significant number of knives, with 70 being sent out in recent months, and utilized postal services for distribution. The case has drawn attention from law enforcement, particularly Commander Stephen Clayman, who criticized tech companies for their negligence in monitoring such activities. Petrescu's actions included storing weapons in unsafe locations, such as under his child's cot, and possessing additional offensive items like a knuckle duster and CS spray. His phone records revealed consistent communication with individuals involved in violent crimes, including knifepoint robberies. This connection to criminal networks raises concerns about the broader implications of online platforms facilitating illegal activities. Last week, Petrescu admitted guilt to multiple charges related to the possession and sale of offensive weapons. His case serves as a stark reminder of the challenges faced by law enforcement in combating knife crime, particularly in the digital age where social media can be exploited for illegal trade. The incident highlights the urgent need for stricter regulations and accountability for tech companies in monitoring and preventing the sale of dangerous weapons online. As knife crime continues to be a pressing issue, the case of Petrescu underscores the importance of collaborative efforts between law enforcement and technology firms to address this growing concern.


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