Aug 23, 2024, 4:14 PM
Aug 23, 2024, 4:14 PM

Mom Upset Over Teacher's Claim About Mona Lisa

  • A mom is upset with her son's history teacher's claim about the Mona Lisa.
  • The teacher reportedly said that the painting was a 'self portrait' by Leonardo da Vinci.
  • The incident has sparked a debate and criticism from the mom.

Colorado Republican Representative Brandi Bradley has publicly condemned her son's school for teaching that the Mona Lisa is a self-portrait of a "gender fluid" Leonardo Da Vinci. In a recent post on X, she shared an audio recording of a conversation with her son's art teacher, who defended the curriculum. Bradley expressed her discontent, stating she does not want her 15-year-old exposed to discussions about gender fluidity in school. During the conversation, the art teacher explained that the class had watched a film discussing Da Vinci's sexual orientation, which has been a topic of speculation among art historians for years. The teacher noted that the content was approved by Douglas County and aimed to highlight the self-expression and freedom of artists during the Renaissance period. However, Bradley was not satisfied with this justification, questioning the relevance of such topics in her son's education. Bradley emphasized her belief that educators should not impose personal beliefs on students, insisting that her son should be taught factual history rather than speculative interpretations. She firmly stated, "I will not tolerate people in authority... LYING TO CHILDREN," and asserted that parents should have the right to choose the educational path for their children. While acknowledging that not all teachers stray from the curriculum, Bradley's comments have sparked a debate about the appropriateness of discussing gender identity in educational settings, particularly in relation to historical figures like Da Vinci, whose sexuality remains a subject of scholarly debate.


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