Jul 26, 2024, 12:00 AM
Jul 26, 2024, 12:00 AM

Polish Divers Discover Historic Shipwreck Off Sweden's Coast

  • A shipwreck dating back to the 19th century has been unearthed in the Baltic Sea, containing crates filled with unopened champagne.
  • This remarkable find sheds light on maritime history and trade practices of the period.
  • The discovery is likely to attract the interest of historians and treasure hunters alike.

A team of Polish divers has uncovered a remarkable shipwreck off the coast of Sweden, revealing a treasure trove of champagne, mineral water, and porcelain. Tomasz Stachura, leader of the Baltictech diving team, described the find as unprecedented in his 40 years of diving experience. The wreck, located approximately 20 nautical miles south of the island of Öland, contained around 100 bottles, a significant haul compared to typical discoveries. The bottles were found sealed in clay and bore the brand name Selters, a prestigious German mineral water known for its historical significance and medicinal properties. Stachura noted that Selters has been bottled for over 800 years and was often reserved for royal tables. The discovery of the brand name, along with the shape of the stamp, allowed historians to date the shipment to between 1850 and 1867. Despite the excitement surrounding the find, extracting the cargo will be a lengthy process due to administrative restrictions. Stachura emphasized the importance of careful planning, suggesting that the bottles could remain in the wreck for another year while preparations are made for their recovery. The Baltictech team is collaborating with Dutch marine data company MARIS and Södertörn University in Sweden to establish guidelines for future exploration of the site. This discovery not only highlights the rich maritime history of the Baltic Sea but also underscores the ongoing efforts to preserve and study underwater heritage.


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