Aug 15, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 15, 2024, 12:00 AM

International Court to Issue Opinion on Climate Change Liability

  • The International Court of Justice is set to provide an advisory opinion on countries' financial responsibility for climate change.
  • The decision is highly anticipated as it could impact how nations approach their contributions to global warming.
  • The outcome of this ruling may have significant implications for future climate change policies and international relations.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has allowed the August 15 deadline for responses regarding its advisory opinion on climate change to pass without any extensions. This decision follows a series of delays in previous deadlines, which were extended due to the high volume of submissions and significant international interest. The passing of this deadline indicates that the Court is preparing to hear oral arguments, anticipated to take place later this year. On March 29, 2023, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) requested the ICJ to provide an advisory opinion on the legal obligations of nations in combating climate change. In response, the Court has invited member states and international organizations to submit their legal arguments and opinions through written statements. The initial deadline for these submissions is set for March 22, 2024. Following the submission of written statements, parties involved will have the opportunity to file responses to the original arguments. A press release from April noted that, according to Article 106 of the Court's Rules, the written statements may be made public once the oral proceedings commence. As of now, the ICJ has not disclosed any details regarding the process for oral arguments or which parties will be allowed to present their cases. The upcoming proceedings are expected to play a crucial role in shaping international legal standards related to climate change obligations.


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