Sep 1, 2024, 12:00 AM
Sep 1, 2024, 12:00 AM

hotels shift to digital key cards with Apple and Google wallets

  • Hotel chains are moving towards digital key options, utilizing Apple Wallet and Google Wallet for room access.
  • The pandemic has accelerated the demand for touchless solutions, but many guests still prefer traditional key cards.
  • The transition to digital systems involves significant costs, and while digital keys are gaining traction, plastic cards are likely to remain in use.

Many hotel chains are transitioning from traditional plastic key cards to digital options, utilizing apps like Apple Wallet and Google Wallet. This shift has been accelerated by the pandemic, which made touchless interactions more desirable. While major U.S. hotel chains have offered digital key capabilities for years, the integration of these digital wallets allows guests to access their rooms by simply tapping their smartphones against a reader. For instance, Hilton Hotels has implemented this technology through its Honors app, enabling guests to check in and store their room keys digitally. Despite the growing trend towards digital keys, the complete replacement of plastic cards is unlikely in the near future. Some guests still prefer physical key cards, and not everyone has compatible devices for digital lock systems. The transition to digital systems involves significant costs related to equipment, installation, and maintenance. Research indicates that only a small percentage of hotel guests utilize digital keys, with many still opting for traditional plastic cards. Security concerns also play a role in this transition. Digital keys can be updated quickly through software patches, addressing vulnerabilities more efficiently than physical cards. However, experts caution that no system is entirely secure, and guests should remain vigilant regardless of the technology used. Ultimately, while the hospitality industry is pushing towards mobile app solutions for sustainability and cost-effectiveness, the presence of plastic key cards is likely to persist as some guests continue to favor them.


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