Sep 6, 2024, 12:00 AM
Sep 6, 2024, 12:00 AM

Milei Critiques Maduro and Lula at Madrid Forum

  • Javier Milei criticized Nicolás Maduro's regime for electoral fraud and oppression during a speech at the Madrid Forum.
  • He also condemned Brazil's decision to ban the social media platform X, arguing it restricts free expression.
  • Milei's remarks highlight the dangers of socialism and the need for freedom, reflecting broader ideological tensions in the region.

During a speech at the Madrid Forum in Buenos Aires on September 5-6, 2024, Argentine President Javier Milei harshly criticized Nicolás Maduro's regime in Venezuela for its oppressive actions and electoral fraud. He condemned Maduro's decision to move Christmas celebrations forward to distract from the regime's brutal crackdown on dissent. Milei also targeted Brazilian President Lula da Silva for banning the social media platform X, which he argued restricts free expression and dissent in Brazil. Milei emphasized the dangers of socialism, describing it as a 'bottomless abyss' that has led Argentina to decline from its former status as a world power. He warned that similar ideas gaining traction in the West could lead to further societal collapse. His remarks highlighted the need for freedom and the rejection of state intervention in citizens' lives. The Madrid Forum, a conservative and anti-communist group, aims to support the Venezuelan people and criticize the international community's inadequate response to Maduro's regime. The event also focused on consolidating conservative networks across Europe, the U.S., and Latin America, as well as addressing cultural conflicts and supporting Israel's right to exist. Milei's comments drew a response from Maduro, who dismissed Milei's criticisms and accused him of bitterness. Lula, who has had a contentious relationship with Milei, has not publicly commented on the recent criticisms. The ongoing tensions between these leaders reflect broader ideological divides in the region.


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