Sep 14, 2024, 11:01 PM
Sep 14, 2024, 11:01 PM

Hamas Attack on Our Kibbutz: A Family"s Escape on October 7

  • Amir Tibon and his family were awakened by the sound of a mortar on October 7.
  • They quickly fled to their safe room as explosions followed the initial warning.
  • The attack highlighted the ongoing dangers faced by families living near conflict zones.

On October 7, Amir Tibon and his family experienced a terrifying morning when they were awakened by the sound of a mortar descending towards their home near the Israeli border with Gaza. The initial warning came only from a loud whistle, which left them disoriented and confused as they had not received any prior alerts. In a state of panic, Amir and his wife, Miri, quickly grabbed their essentials and rushed to their safe room, an above-ground bunker designed to protect them from such attacks. As they secured themselves inside, the first explosion was followed by a series of others, indicating that the situation was escalating rapidly. The absence of a siren heightened their sense of urgency and fear, as they realized that this was not a typical day. The couple's instinct to protect their family kicked in, and they focused on ensuring their safety amidst the chaos. The attack marked a significant moment in their lives, as it was not just a random act of violence but part of a larger conflict that had been brewing for years. The psychological impact of such an event would linger long after the immediate danger had passed, affecting their sense of security and normalcy. Ultimately, this harrowing experience underscored the fragility of life in a region marked by ongoing tensions and violence. It served as a stark reminder of the realities faced by families living in proximity to conflict zones, where the threat of sudden attacks can disrupt their lives at any moment.


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