Sep 10, 2024, 9:27 AM
Sep 10, 2024, 9:27 AM

Suspect arrested in Indiana for 2008 San Jose sexual assault

  • A suspect has been arrested in Indiana for a 2008 sexual assault case in San Jose.
  • The victim, a 61-year-old woman, was attacked in her apartment during a home invasion.
  • Advancements in forensic technology have allowed law enforcement to solve cold cases and pursue justice.

Authorities in the South Bay have arrested a suspect in Indiana linked to a 2008 sexual assault case in San Jose. The incident involved a brutal home invasion where a 61-year-old woman was attacked in her apartment on January 6, 2008. The assailant, wearing a ski mask, assaulted the victim, causing severe injuries, including a broken nose, before sexually assaulting her multiple times. At the time, law enforcement was unable to identify the perpetrator. The investigation was revitalized when the Santa Clara County District Attorney's Cold Case Unit collaborated with local police departments to analyze DNA evidence. In August, they confirmed the DNA of the suspect, identified as Whisenand, who lived nearby at the time of the crime. His arrest was made possible through the combined efforts of various law enforcement agencies, including the Clay County Sheriff and the Police Department in Brazil, Indiana. Whisenand is currently being held without bail as extradition proceedings are underway. If convicted of the charges, he faces a potential life sentence in prison. The District Attorney emphasized the importance of advancing forensic technology in bringing justice to victims of violent crimes, stating that the reach of justice continues to expand. Since the establishment of the Cold Case Unit in 2011, over 30 cold case murders have been solved, and the unit has recently expanded its focus to include sexual assault cases. This case highlights the ongoing commitment to addressing unresolved crimes and ensuring accountability for offenders.


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