Aug 21, 2024, 9:54 PM
Aug 21, 2024, 9:54 PM

Neighbors Take Action Against Sideshow Activity in Oakland

  • Oakland neighbors build DIY street barriers to prevent sideshow activities.
  • Frustrated with sideshow activity, residents take matters into their own hands.
  • Community members work together to address neighborhood issue.

In a proactive response to ongoing sideshow activities in their neighborhood, residents of Oakland have constructed makeshift barricades from tires and installed homemade speed bumps to enhance safety. Frustrated by the city's inadequate measures to address the issue, these neighbors felt compelled to take matters into their own hands, particularly after a close call involving a child in a crosswalk. One resident recounted a harrowing incident where her daughter narrowly escaped being hit by a speeding vehicle, highlighting the urgent need for effective traffic calming solutions. The DIY efforts by the community reportedly succeeded in reducing both sideshow activities and speeding in the area. However, following an accident where a vehicle collided with one of the tire barricades, city officials deemed the installations unsafe and ordered their removal. Josh Rowan, director of Oakland's Department of Transportation, acknowledged the community's frustrations but emphasized the potential risks posed by the homemade traffic measures. In light of the situation, city leaders convened with residents to discuss the possibility of implementing official speed bumps or traffic circles. Despite these discussions, some community members expressed their impatience with the city's response time. Kariah Scott, a local resident, voiced her support for the community's initiative, reflecting on Oakland's history of prioritizing the safety of its residents and youth. Meanwhile, another resident, Mendoza, lamented the lack of police intervention when issues arise, further underscoring the community's desire for immediate action.


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