Nov 26, 2024, 5:01 PM
Nov 26, 2024, 5:01 PM

Volvo allows family to escape costly car lease after twins arrive

  • A family of five faced difficulties fitting in their Volvo SUV after the birth of twins in June.
  • Volvo initially denied their request to terminate the lease early without a substantial fee.
  • Following mediation, Volvo allowed the family to exit the lease without charges, facilitating their search for a more suitable vehicle.

In June 2024, a family of five from Warrington, Cheshire, found themselves struggling with the limitations of their Volvo SUV, which they had leased in October 2023. Initially, the vehicle was seen as suitable for their family of four, but the arrival of twins changed that dynamic. The family faced significant challenges fitting their toddler and two infant car seats in the vehicle, as two of the rear seats were occupied, leaving no room for their three-year-old child. They attempted to terminate the lease early due to the impracticality of their situation; however, Volvo insisted they would have to pay a hefty early termination fee of £6,384. Frustrated, they considered approaching the Financial Ombudsman for help, feeling stuck and hopeless with three years still remaining on their lease. After an intervention by a journalist, Volvo reevaluated their case and agreed to an exception. Within days, they communicated a reversal of their earlier decision, allowing the family to exit the contract without incurring any fees. This outcome not only saved them £6,384 but also provided the family with the opportunity to search for a more suitable vehicle that could comfortably accommodate all members. The situation also highlighted the need for car manufacturers to be sympathetic to new family dynamics and specific needs, especially when their marketing emphasizes family appeal. The family's experience serves as a reminder that expectations can change dramatically, and companies should be prepared to adapt their policies to assist customers who find themselves in unanticipated scenarios. This case emphasizes the importance of effective customer service and the willingness to consider special circumstances that affect customers' lives. As this family looks towards finding a car that meets their new needs, the positive resolution offered by Volvo may encourage similar customer-first approaches in the auto industry.


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