Sep 16, 2024, 12:00 AM
Sep 16, 2024, 12:00 AM

Bucha women train to shoot down Russian drones in Kyiv suburb

  • Nearly 100 women in Bucha, aged 19 to 64, are training in air defense units to combat Russian drones.
  • The training is rigorous, emphasizing that all participants are defenders, regardless of gender.
  • These women are motivated by personal loss and a desire to protect their families, reflecting resilience in the face of war.

In a Kyiv suburb, nearly 100 women, aged 19 to 64, have volunteered for part-time military service in air defense units to combat the threat of Russian drones. These women, informally known as 'Bucha witches,' are undergoing rigorous training to operate assault rifles and machine guns, preparing to defend their homes from aerial attacks that occur several times a month. The training is intense, with male instructors emphasizing that once in uniform, gender distinctions fade, and all are defenders of their homeland. Among the volunteers is Valentyna, a mother of three, who expresses a collective determination to contribute to Ukraine's victory. The training location, referred to as 'Mordor,' symbolizes the harsh realities faced by these women as they confront the ongoing conflict. Each participant, including first-timer Kateryna, who previously had no experience with firearms, is motivated by personal loss and the desire to protect their families. The emotional toll of the war is evident, as many of these women have had to flee their homes, leaving behind loved ones who remain to fight. The psychological impact of witnessing drone activity from their windows weighs heavily on them, as they grapple with feelings of guilt and helplessness. The urgency of their mission is underscored by the constant threat posed by Russian forces, which has transformed their lives and roles within their communities. Ultimately, the efforts of these women reflect a broader commitment to national defense and resilience in the face of adversity. Their training not only empowers them but also serves as a testament to the strength and determination of those affected by the war, as they strive to reclaim their lives and secure a future free from conflict.


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