Dec 30, 2024, 10:07 AM
Dec 28, 2024, 3:11 PM

Sweden prepares for war by searching for burial land

  • Burial associations in Sweden are seeking additional land to accommodate potential war casualties.
  • The search is in response to crisis preparedness guidelines influenced by tensions with Russia and Sweden's decision to join NATO.
  • This initiative reflects the country's new defense strategy amid fears of possible military conflict.

Sweden is currently exploring options for additional burial space due to rising concerns about potential war casualties. This initiative follows recommendations made by the Church of Sweden's national secretariat and aligns with crisis preparedness guidelines from the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency and the Swedish Armed Forces. The urgency of this search arises from Sweden's decision to join NATO amidst escalating tensions with Russia in the Baltic Sea region. Legal requirements dictate that burial associations are responsible for securing land to accommodate approximately five percent of the population in case of mass fatalities. This includes planning for urgent casket burials, which the Goteborg Burial Association is actively addressing. The Goteborg Burial Association is specifically seeking to acquire at least 10 acres of land to facilitate casket burials for around 30,000 potential war dead, in addition to an extra 15 acres designated for regular graveyard use. The scarcity of land in urban areas complicates these efforts, and although suitable sites have been identified, a lengthy approval and construction process could take up to 10 years to finalize. This situation underscores the challenges of ensuring adequate burial services even during peacetime, as large cities often face limitations in available land. Further emphasizing the need for preparedness, the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency continues to promote plans for civil defense, which have gained renewed urgency since Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022 prompted a significant shift in public opinion and foreign policy regarding military alliances. The transition from a longstanding policy of neutrality catalyzed discussions about the realities of possible conflict, altering Sweden's defense outlook dramatically. Civil preparedness guides have been updated and disseminated among the populace, aiming to enhance individual and community resilience. These guides contain life-saving tips and strategies relevant in case of war but do not overtly name Russia, reflecting a cautious approach to discourse concerning national security threats. The collective efforts from various organizations, including the Church of Sweden, highlight their proactive stance in crisis planning and civil defense in light of an evolving security landscape.


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