Sep 18, 2024, 1:00 PM
Sep 18, 2024, 11:48 AM

Senate hearing disrupted by antisemitic outburst in Washington

  • Senator Ted Cruz addressed the rise of antisemitism on college campuses during a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.
  • An anti-Israel protester interrupted the hearing with antisemitic slurs, demonstrating the hostility discussed.
  • Cruz criticized the lack of federal action against universities allowing hate speech, emphasizing the need for accountability.

During a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing focused on hate crimes in America, Senator Ted Cruz highlighted the alarming rise of antisemitism, particularly on college campuses, following the events of October 7. He emphasized the historical significance of antisemitism, linking it to violence and genocide, and criticized the lack of federal action against universities that permit such hate. Cruz's remarks were interrupted by an anti-Israel protester who shouted antisemitic slurs, illustrating the very issue he was addressing. This incident underscored the growing hostility faced by Jewish students, as Cruz presented various examples of antisemitic incidents occurring in educational institutions. He referenced a warning from a rabbi at Columbia University, advising Jewish students to leave due to safety concerns amid rising antisemitism. Cruz's call for accountability from the Biden administration regarding funding for universities that allow hate speech was met with a stark reality: no universities had faced funding cuts for enabling such behavior. The hearing aimed to shed light on the urgent need for addressing antisemitism, yet it was marred by the very hatred being discussed, highlighting the challenges in combating this form of bigotry in contemporary society.


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