Jul 28, 2024, 12:00 AM
Jul 28, 2024, 12:00 AM

Jonny Evans Expresses Concern Over Job Cuts at Manchester United

  • Jonny Evans expressed deep concern over the recent decision by Sir Jim Ratcliffe to cut 250 jobs at Manchester United.
  • He described the job cuts as a 'difficult thing to see', particularly as it affects long-known colleagues.
  • The sentiment reflects the emotional impact of corporate decisions on employees and their families.

Jonny Evans, the Manchester United defender, has voiced his distress over Sir Jim Ratcliffe’s recent decision to eliminate 250 jobs at the club. Evans, who has deep personal ties to Manchester United, described the situation as challenging, noting that many of those affected are individuals he has known for years. His family’s long-standing connection to the club includes his wife, Helen, who worked at MUTV for 14 years, his father, Jackie, who served as an academy coach, and his brother, Corry, who was a youth player. The 36-year-old expressed his concern about the timing of the job cuts, which coincided with the team’s tour, leaving many in the dark about the future. “There’s people you’ve known for 20 years,” he remarked, emphasizing the emotional toll of witnessing colleagues face job insecurity. Evans believes that clarity will emerge once the team returns from their tour, but the current uncertainty has been difficult for him and others connected to the club. Evans highlighted the familial atmosphere at Manchester United, where many staff members have dedicated their lives to the club. He praised the commitment of the staff, stating that their contributions have always been a significant part of the club's identity. The defender underscored the importance of maintaining this culture, particularly given the club's strong foundation in its academy, which has fostered long-term relationships between players and staff. In conclusion, Evans called for a focus on preserving the club's unique culture amidst the changes, emphasizing the need to support those affected by the job cuts while maintaining the strong connections that have historically defined Manchester United.


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