Aug 15, 2024, 1:49 PM
Aug 15, 2024, 1:49 PM

Reddit user upset over lunch bill split with sisters

  • A Reddit user is upset about being asked to split a lunch bill with his sisters and their children.
  • The user shared his frustration about the situation online.
  • Etiquette expert provided insights on the matter.

In a recent Reddit post, a user known as "taenuts" expressed frustration over a family lunch invitation that involved splitting the bill evenly among siblings, despite differing family sizes. The user, in his 20s, has two older sisters in their 30s, both of whom have children. He felt uncomfortable with the arrangement, particularly after previous experiences where he ended up covering a disproportionate share of expenses during family outings that included his sisters' families. Etiquette expert Jacqueline Whitmore weighed in on the situation, suggesting that it is customary for adult siblings to share the cost of a meal for a parent during special occasions. She noted that since the sisters were bringing their children, it would be reasonable for them to cover their kids' meals. Whitmore also offered an alternative solution, recommending that "taenuts" could pay for his own meal and his mother's, rather than splitting the bill evenly. The Reddit community provided mixed advice, with some users encouraging "taenuts" to consider dining separately from his sisters in the future to avoid similar conflicts. One commenter suggested a more assertive approach, recommending that he bring cash to pay only for his meal and a portion of his mother's, thereby avoiding the awkwardness of an uneven split. Ultimately, the situation highlights the complexities of family dynamics and financial expectations during group outings, particularly when children are involved.


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