Aug 23, 2024, 2:49 AM
Aug 23, 2024, 2:49 AM

Stepdad Sentenced for Murdering 9-Year-Old Girl

  • Stepdad Justin Stein sentenced for brutally murdering 9-year-old girl Charlise Mutten.
  • The tragic incident took place in the Blue Mountains west of Sydney in 2022.
  • The Crown demanded a life sentence for the heartless killer.

Crown prosecutors have urged for a life sentence for Justin Stein, convicted of murdering schoolgirl Charlise Mutten, with the presiding judge, Justice Helen Wilson, describing the act as "akin to an execution." During the sentencing hearing, Justice Wilson detailed the harrowing circumstances of the crime, noting that after Stein shot Charlise in the back, he approached her and fired again at point-blank range. This brutal act has left a profound impact on the victim's family, particularly her mother, Kallista Mutten. In an emotional testimony delivered via audio video link to the NSW Supreme Court, Kallista Mutten expressed her anguish, stating, "I hate myself for trusting you," as she addressed Stein. She recounted the dreams she had for her daughter, lamenting the loss of future milestones such as growing up, having a first boyfriend, and getting married. Kallista shared that Charlise was excited about the prospect of becoming an older sister, a moment that will never come to pass. The jury found Stein guilty of murder after extensive deliberation, rejecting his claims that Kallista was responsible for the crime. Stein had alleged that she secretly placed Charlise's body in a barrel without his knowledge. The court also heard about the potential effects of medication on Charlise, with Stein denying any involvement in administering drugs to her. As the case unfolds, the community remains in shock over the tragic loss of Charlise Mutten, with the prosecution's call for a life sentence underscoring the severity of the crime and its lasting impact on those who loved her.


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