Aug 8, 2024, 12:00 AM
Aug 8, 2024, 12:00 AM

Cats May Grieve for Lost Companions

  • Researchers at Oakland University explored the emotional lives of cats and their responses to the death of fellow pets.
  • The study involved hundreds of cat caregivers who reported mourning behaviors in their pets.
  • These findings suggest that cats may experience grief similar to that of humans.

A recent study conducted by researchers at Oakland University in Michigan has revealed that cats may exhibit behaviors indicative of grief following the death of another pet in the household. The research, published in the journal *Applied Animal Behaviour Science*, involved surveying 412 cat owners about their pets' behaviors after the loss of a fellow cat or dog. Findings indicated that cats displayed signs of mourning, such as decreased eating and playing, increased solitude, and seeking more attention from their owners. Jennifer Vonk, a psychology professor and co-author of the study, expressed optimism about the emotional connections cats form with one another. She noted that while it is not desirable for pets to experience sadness, the idea that they may miss their companions resonates with human emotions. This study adds to the limited research on the emotional lives of domestic cats, as previous studies have primarily focused on other animals like dogs and elephants. Despite the compelling findings, Vonk cautioned that the results should be interpreted with care. She acknowledged the possibility that owners might project their own feelings of grief onto their cats or that the cats could be responding to their owners' emotional states. Additionally, the change in household dynamics with one less pet could also influence the cats' behavior. The researchers emphasized the need for further studies to better understand the emotional experiences of cats. However, the data suggests that cats may indeed experience feelings akin to grief, challenging previous assumptions about their emotional capabilities.


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