Sep 1, 2024, 12:00 AM
Sep 1, 2024, 12:00 AM

HR McMaster critiques Trump’s knowledge of government in new book

  • McMaster critiques Trump's understanding of government, stating he lacked basic knowledge.
  • He also criticizes Obama for the Iran nuclear deal and Biden for various foreign policy decisions.
  • The book emphasizes the need for restoring democratic values and governance in the US.

HR McMaster's new book, 'At War With Ourselves', reflects on his 14 months as national security adviser under Donald Trump, critiquing not only Trump but also former presidents Obama and Biden. McMaster argues that Trump lacked a fundamental understanding of government operations, which he believes contributed to significant issues during his presidency, including the January 6 Capitol attack. He expresses confusion over Trump's relationship with Vladimir Putin, particularly in light of Russia's aggressive actions. McMaster's criticisms extend to Obama, whom he blames for the Iran nuclear deal, and Biden, whom he accuses of easing sanctions on Iran and Venezuela, as well as mishandling the US withdrawal from Afghanistan. He labels the latter as Biden's most humiliating foreign policy failure. The book also addresses the influence of Steve Bannon and his associates within the White House, suggesting they prioritized their agenda over constitutional integrity. McMaster's reflections indicate a deep concern for the state of American democracy and governance, emphasizing the need for a long-term effort to restore what he perceives as lost due to Trump's presidency. Overall, McMaster's work serves as a critical examination of the recent past, urging readers to consider the implications of leadership decisions on national security and democratic values. His insights aim to provoke thought about the future direction of US policy and governance.


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