Aug 19, 2024, 8:00 AM
Aug 19, 2024, 8:00 AM

Nigella Lawson's Crustless Pizza Sparks Italian Backlash

  • Nigella Lawson faces backlash for sharing a recipe for 'crustless pizza'.
  • Italian pizza purists criticize the unconventional pizza recipe.
  • Social media comments limited on Nigella's Instagram post due to the controversy.

Nigella Lawson, the renowned British chef, has sparked controversy among Italian food enthusiasts after posting her unconventional "crustless pizza" recipe on Instagram. The 64-year-old culinary icon, known for her creative cooking style, has limited comments on her post following a wave of criticism from pizza purists, particularly those from Naples, the birthplace of modern pizza. Despite the backlash, her "Recipe of the Day" garnered over 2,000 likes, highlighting the divided opinions on her culinary innovation. In her Instagram caption, Lawson acknowledged the potential discontent her recipe might cause among traditionalists, stating, "I wouldn't want to go bandying around the name of this recipe in Naples." She described her dish as akin to a cheese toastie without the bread, emphasizing its nostalgic value as a meal she frequently prepared for her children. The recipe involves a dough-like batter mixed with cheese, cooked in a circular pan to eliminate any crust, and topped with additional cheese and chorizo. While some Italians expressed their disapproval, many fans praised Lawson's inventive approach, with comments describing the dish as "fantastic" and "lovely." Supporters shared their enthusiasm, with one user declaring, "Yummy, yummy, delicious," and another noting its frequent presence in their cooking repertoire. This incident underscores the ongoing debate between culinary tradition and modern reinterpretation, particularly in the realm of iconic dishes like pizza.


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